
| 新华



I have a few candles stored in a drawer in my dining room. They’re meant for romantic dinners and special occasions, but since the arrival of our three children they have lain unnoticed among the napkins and other things. They are waiting to be taken out and lit to share their glow with anyone who will take the time to bask in their brilliance.

Are not our souls like those candles, patiently waiting for someone to come and let us be ourselves? We are all waiting for our own moments to shine; we each have a special light, unmatched by any other.

Candles are made up of wax and a wick; we have bodies, but our essence lies in our minds and souls. Candles are unique in their colors, shapes and designs. Our life histories and experiences are the backdrops of who we are, but our minds are like candle wicks, and make our passions flame. Unlike the candles in my drawer, who get used or not used depending on my whims, we control our own thoughts, and how brightly we will burn or dimly we will shine.

Is your soul candle dimmed by circumstance or lack of passion and direction? Is it hidden in a drawer of stress, worry or resentment? Make a choice to let yourself shine the way you were meant to shine.






In spring, seedling ground, frantically grow taller, that is they dream in the dance; Summul, lian lian, blue light quiver decorated, that is the heart of the wind in the dance; Autumn, yellow leaves, so complex, that is Ye Zaiyong life dance; Winter, snow flying, hovering circle again, that is Snow White in the dance with soul.

Three is the dance of Ruth, wearing chains want to dance.

Out of the higher carelessly, faded high impetuous, we lit candles dream, shine the light of hope, in this play rhythm of light and shade easy start.

18 years old, no longer complain about the heavy chains. Parents' expectation, the teacher's hands, the good tomorrow, generally in the third year in the night sky the stars shine. We are willing to bear the weight, because of the thickness of that there is life; Our whole heart cherish the heavy, because it is in the life most the genial spring scenery.

18 years old, no longer complain in chains. Began to pay attention to his father's white hair, wrinkles began to love his mother, began to understand the teacher's painstaking. 18 years old birthday, don't party, don't cake, don't gift, just want to a person coagulation cautious but dozens of years, eight years lost, cherish, thirsty... We are willing to accept the bondage, because that is the gift of the creator; We appreciate those bound by heart, because that is the most happiness in life.

Three is a dance, dance of life chain!

We are not afraid to take responsibility, we are not afraid of the challenge of fate, we will use shackles on the musical rhythm, in the time of the fly with the wind...


Life hard。 We should not give up hope。 By the time we have given up, we are finhed。 Chances are always there。 We have to grab every single opportunity。。。to help, to love and to serve。 To live our life happier, full of joy, we have to set our goal and even dream big。


If we choose the shortest path in life, we will never learn。 To be or not to be, we have to be SOMEBODY。 The fastest way to gain love to love others first!Do not hide your talent, your knowledge and your beautiful heart。 Go for your dream and live for it。



Success for me

Hello, everyone! Good afternoon! I am very glad to have the chance to make this speech. My topic is: how to achieve success. First of all, let us see a story.

“Long long ago, there was a king who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. To all the men who came to the king's palace to ask for the hand of the princess, the old king gave them three tasks to be accomplished, each next to impossible. One day, there came up a handsome young prince in the king's palace." Well, you know the rest. The three tasks may be different in different versions, but the main plot is always the same, Prince successfully passed all the challenge and got the heart of the princess in time. And the ending is always the same, finishing with the line "And they live happily ever after."

Why aren't we tired of this story so beautiful, so uealistic (, I would say, so unimaginative ? How can a story like that can enduregenerations of repetition? The reason, I think, is that a typical success story like this is so close to our daily life. Moreover we can understand so deeply, it is not just a story, but a good will from people’s inner heart. By implication, we see a 4-step definitions of success: 1 ) a goal to be set. as represented by the beautiful princess. So you’d better find your princess as soon as possible; 2 ) challenges to be meet, as represented by the three tasks. Only if you directly meet the challenge, can you besuccessful; 3 ) the process of overcoming difficulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth goes through; 4 ) the reward of success, as represented by the happy marriage. That’s all! Find your princess, meet challenges, overcome difficulties, and have a good life.

Thank you!


Success is not final and failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.


Never cease to outdo yourself. There are no limits to the success you can acquire when you have an duanwenw uncontrollable drive to achieve. Any obstacles you encounter along the way are life’s test to establish strength and perseverance. If you continually possess determination and self-confidence throughout any situation, you will prevail.

超越你自己,永远不要停止。当你拥有无法過制的获胜冲动,你的成功将不可限量。前进路上的任何障碍都是用以确立力量和毅力的人生考验。 倘若你在任何情况下都始终拥有决心和信心,你将会无往不胜。


A son and his father were walking on the mountains. Suddenly, the son falls, hurts himself and screams, "AAAhhhh!!!"To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in the mountain," AAAhhhh!" Curious, he yells," Who are you?" He receives the answer,"Who are you?" Angered at the response, he scream,"Coward!" He receives the answer,"Coward!"

He looks to his father and asks,"What's going on?" The father smiles and says,"My son, pay attention." And then he screams to the mountain, "I admire you!" The voice answers," I admire you!" Again the man screams,"You are a champion!" The voice answers,"You are a champion!" The boy is surprised, but does not understand.

Then the father explains,"People call this ECHO, but really this is LIFE. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in you team, improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all aspects of life. Life will give you back everything you have given to it."




Last night, I watched a tennis game, it was the US open, because there was a Chinese female player came to the semi-final, so I stayed up to watched the game. Unluckily, she was injured twice, though she still wanted to finish the game, her body situation did not allow her to do so. Her insistence moved so many audience, they gave her the biggest applause.

The power of insistence is great, it will help you set free your potential and keep move on. Just for the players, they will face all kinds of incidences now and then, but the will to insist will make them finish the game. Sometimes, people win the game not because of their excellent skills, but their strong will. Those who can stick on to the final line will win people’s applause.

What’s more, when people insist to finish the game, it is the respect that they show to their opponents. Their spirit deserves people’s applause. Insistence is a merit, we should keep it, no matter what we do, we must remember to insist.





good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen。

it’s my great pleasure to stand here to present my speech—change the world, change ourselves。

it’s noticable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat neglected。 not long before about 10 doctors in beijing university and qinghua unversity announced that we should reject the invasion of western holidays ,because they regard western holidays as an challenge against our traditional festivals and culture。

frankly speaking, i don’t quite agree with them。indeed, we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as china boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions。 (examples)。but why can’t we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture。

there are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in china。 on the one hand, some of the western holidays which we chinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, such as father’s day and april fool’s day etc。 on the other hand,the prevalence of globalization enables western culture to prevail in china。 overwhelmed by such a trend,chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture。

with the further development of the whole world, the cultural communication between different countries and nations becomes faster and more and more important。 we are indeed from different nations, but we are the citizens of the same world, so the outstanding culture of different nations is the commom wealth of everyone on the earth。the only way for us to protect our traditional culture is to reject the foreign culture? the answer is definitely no。 what we ought to do is to spare no effort to educate chinese to get to know and treasure our splendid traditions instead of rejecting foreign culture。 only by educating can we set our confidence and belief towards our culture。 only by educating can we preserve and promote the wealth that our ancesters left for us。

at last i’d like to share a famouse saying of gandhi with all of you ,that is:if you want to change the world, then you must change yourself first。”


When someone looks into your eyes they should see something alive within you. Having a dream is like owning a lighthouse1 which directs you on your journey.

At every turn we come across its mystery. At each new level we become more of the person we were meant to become. In lonely times, when we pass through a storm of disappointment, we find our faith is unshaken, our strength still strong.

Believe in your faith. Set the vision before your eyes. Write down your most sincere dreams and when the opportunity comes, step into your dream. It may take one season or more, but the result is the same. Make big dreams and then go out and make them realities. The highest hopes of the dreamer are revealed with every step taken in their journey to the impossible. For a season we must protect the dream so that it can grow quietly on the inside. But if we tenderly care for our deepest expectations, slowly but surely the dream will become new life.

Dreaming is an act of faith. The light of your expectations will cast off the shadows of a disbelieving world. God has given us the dreamer as a gift to light an unbelieving world.

Find your treasure within and cherish2 it. Tomorrow is waiting for you to take the first step.



